Premium Rockshot in Stockholm, is Scandinavia's largest photo archive specializing in music- and entertainment with focus on rock & pop artists from the 1950s to the 2000s. We supply archive photos from the most renowned Swedish rock photographers to professional clients worldwide for CDs, theme photos on Spotify, books, e-books, apps, websites, newspapers, magazines, TV-shows, DVDs, documentaries & feature films and even games.


Premium Rockshot is a division of Internal AB, which also runs the book publisher Premium Publishing. We are a member of the picture suppliers organisation BLF, part of the International CEPIC. The Rockshot archive has been growing since 1996 and today holds more than 2 million+ photos. We are owned by music business veteran and music archeologist Wilhelm Wendt who also handles acquisitions of photo portfolios. Head of archive operations & music research is renowned music expert and rock musician Roger Holegård.
